The 10 jobs most at risk from ChatGPT, according to ChatGPT


ChatGPT has become a topic of dinner-party conversation around the world in the months since it launched in November 2022 – and has become the fastest-growing web app of all time.

The arrival of the software has sparked a wave of predictions around its impact on the job market, with OpenAI’s own estimates suggesting the software could disrupt 19% of jobs in the US.

ChatGPT itself is quite open about the likely impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies on the job market, explaining to Yahoo that the top 10 jobs most likely to be impacted by AI include telemarketers, data entry clerks and receptionists.

ChatGPT boasts of its abilities to automate simple tasks such as dealing with customers and entering data into its systems.

ChatGPT hit 100 million users in just two months after launch – by comparison, it took TikTok nine months to achieve that figure.

Other predictions around the chatbot have been equally alarming: Gartner predicts that AI-powered chatbots will be the main customer service channel for 25% of companies by 2027.

Goldman Sachs predicts that 300 million jobs will be lost or disrupted by AI – but predicts that big business will reap the benefits, driving a global increase of 7% in GDP by 2030.

Automation has been a key driver of inequality around the world in previous decades, with the US National Bureau of Economic Research finding that 50-70% of changes in US wages since 1980 are due to the impact of automation.

OpenAI’s own research suggests that 50% of the tasks necessary for 19% of the jobs in the US could be replaced by ChatGPT and similar technologies – and 80% of the workforce could have at least 10% of their work tasks affected in some way.

The research suggested that workers on higher wages could be particularly vulnerable to changes wrought by the chatbot.

OpenAI’s chief scientist Ilya Sutskever said: ‘"These models are very potent and they're becoming more and more potent. At some point it will be quite easy, if one wanted, to cause a great deal of harm with those models."

Many companies have already announced that they will use ChatGPT and related technologies to replace or augment human jobs.

Buzzfeed announced that it would use ChatGPT to generate content, before closing down its news operations.

Tech site CNET faced a backlash from readers after it was revealed that they had also used AI to generate articles, which were later found to contain numerous errors.

AI will naturally start replacing jobs in many sectors, says Rehan Haque, CEO of, speaking to Yahoo News, but will create jobs in others.

Haque said: "It's worth recognising that AI is not a new technology. It's been around for decades, but recent advancements in machine learning and natural language processing have enabled AI to take on some of the more intricate tasks and, often, some of the most monotonous too. So as AI becomes more sophisticated and capable, it's only natural that it will start replacing specific jobs.

"If I were to pick out five areas where I think AI will have the most significant impact on the future of work, I’d say it would be: manufacturing, customer service, retail, finance and healthcare.

"Manufacturing is one of the industries already seeing the biggest impact from AI. With the rise of automation, robots and machines are increasingly capable of performing repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, such as assembling products or packaging items.

"Retail is an industry which is also seeing the benefits of AI. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have become increasingly popular in the retail industry, allowing customers to interact with businesses 24/7 without needing human customer service representatives. As a result, AI has improved the efficiency and profitability of the retail industry, with the cost benefits often felt further down the line by consumers.’

Jobs under threat from ChatGPT (according to ChatGPT)

So which jobs does ChatGPT threaten, according to ChatGPT itself?

The AI replied, ‘It's difficult to predict with certainty which jobs will be most affected by the rise of ChatGPT and AI, as the impact of these technologies will vary across industries and job roles. However, based on current trends and the potential capabilities of these technologies, here are ten jobs that could be at risk in the UK:

Telemarketers - With ChatGPT and AI's ability to handle customer inquiries and provide personalised responses, the need for human telemarketers may decline.

Data Entry Clerks - AI systems can be used to automate data entry tasks, reducing the need for human clerks.

Receptionists - AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants could be used to handle phone calls and scheduling, reducing the need for human receptionists.

Bookkeeping and Accounting Clerks - ChatGPT and AI can automate bookkeeping and accounting tasks, such as data entry and basic analysis.

Retail Salespersons - With the growth of e-commerce and online shopping, traditional brick-and-mortar stores may become less relevant, leading to a decline in the need for retail salespersons.

Bank Tellers - As more customers switch to online banking and mobile apps, the demand for human bank tellers may decline.

Customer Service Representatives - AI-powered chatbots can provide quick and personalized responses to customer inquiries, reducing the need for human representatives.

Travel Agents - With the rise of online travel booking platforms, the need for human travel agents may decline.

Insurance Underwriters - AI can analyze data and make risk assessments more accurately and efficiently than humans, potentially reducing the need for human underwriters.

Warehouse Workers - The rise of robotics and automation could lead to a decline in the need for human warehouse workers.

It's worth noting that while these jobs may be at risk of being automated, the implementation of AI and ChatGPT could also lead to the creation of new jobs and industries. Additionally, many jobs will require a combination of human and AI skills, meaning that workers with strong digital skills are likely to be in high demand in the future.