Strategic Talent Management Solutions

Transform your talent with our Talent Intelligence Platform, powered by AI and blockchain. Simplify hiring, develop employee skills, and improve retention effortlessly with, a platform perfectly tailored to meet your business needs and enhance HR strategies.

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AI: Your Replacement Or Advantage

Talent Acquisition

Equip yourself with HR tech solutions for talent management, enabling organizations to navigate the waters of talent fit and nurture business growth through a well-prepared and future-proof workforce.

  • Smart matching through AI-driven assessments

  • Hire a Future-ready Workforce

  • Access a Wider Candidate Pool

Talent Development & Mobility

Invest in the growth and adaptability of your workforce. Tailor learning journeys to individual needs and stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape. Leverage adaptive learning paths and predictive analytics to navigate future skill trends effectively.

  • Adaptive learning paths for personalized skill development

  • Predictive analytics for future skill trends

  • Tailored learning journeys for individual and team growth

AI: Your Replacement Or Advantage
AI: Your Replacement Or Advantage

Talent Management

Transform talent management with, leveraging AI and blockchain technology. Gain a comprehensive view of your team, ensuring every talent decision is data-driven and geared towards growth. Our solution streamlines workforce management and enhances engagement across all levels.

  • Intelligent skills mapping for optimized workforce capabilities

  • Continuous learning paths empowered by blockchain for secure skill development

  • Predictive workforce analytics for strategic planning, utilizing AI to forecast and adapt to future needs

Skills Management Domains



Industry-specific technical skills


  • Digital Transformation

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Cyber Security

  • Project Management



Skills that apply across industries and technologies


  • Communication and collaboration

  • Problem-solving

  • Critical thinking

  • Leadership

  • Digital Fluency



Skills for tackling environmental challenges and building a green mindset


  • Sustainable business strategies

  • Climate Change

  • Renewable energy sources & solutions

  • Ecosystem management

Our Talent Management Solutions

Cloud Service

Off-the-shelf service for smaller organisations and one that need to start now with skills management

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  • Self-assessment of candidates and staff

  • Upskill packages for new graduates for hard, soft and green skills

  • Candidate mentoring with the transition to work

  • Use of the transformational skills framework

Corporate Service

Customised service for medium and large organisations with carefully defined internal processes and a suite of technologies

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  • Team profiling and annual assessments

  • Skills certification records for candidates and employees

  • Customised skill assessment

  • Custom portfolio of methods for skill improvements

  • Career boost – help staff reskill and cross-skill

  • Career switch – help experienced staff move to new areas

  • Apprenticeships – help individuals with an evolving set of skill needs

Enterprise Service

For multinational corporations with multiple divisions, bespoke working practices and an existing legacy of skills management

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  • Bespoke version of the skills framework

  • Support for divisional differences

  • Local hosting of services

  • Multiple touchpoints for technology integration

  • Talent cartography, future talent need, quitting forecast, succession planning

  • Customised technology for gap spotting