Joins The Global Reskill And Upskill Revolution

blog-post-image, an AI-powered talent marketplace for the future of work with its SaaS platform aims to enable intelligent reskilling and upskilling of human capital, transforming learners, educators and employers across the UK and the world. is enabling the next generation of workforce with customised on-boarding and curated training programmes, aimed at giving access to the employability skills needed to thrive in the evolving global corporate landscape.’s mission is to create a reskilled and upskilled future workforce, ready for deployment in organisations across the globe. By empowering and upskilling learners with the knowledge and skills they need to guarantee career growth, helps global workers keep up with the constant changes in technology and the need for employer-recommended skills.

As the demographic of young people either just joining or preparing to join, Gen Z & Alpha could make up as much as a quarter of the UK workforce by later this decade, with nine in ten of those jobs requiring digital skills as a minimum, according to the latest report from Intel. The company seeks to empower these emerging generations with the tools they need for the future of work.

“Fuelled by the recent pandemic, the quick shift to digital working environments has left a growing need for skilled employees,” said Rehan Haque, founder and CEO of “With the global labour market unable to keep up with this demand, businesses are finding it more challenging and more expensive to employ the right talent for the job.”

“With the acceleration of emerging technologies outpacing the current education system, the workforce leaving institutions are unlikely to be properly trained and equipped when it comes to understanding digital and data literacy, cybersecurity, disruptive and immersive technologies, and are unlikely to have the power skills and agile attitude needed for the future of work. For example, over half (55%) of Gen Z respondents in Intel’s study did not understand AI and 50% had no idea what cybersecurity was. Many of today’s industries are embracing AI, cybersecurity and other vital digital skills such as machine learning, blockchain and virtual reality with the rise of Metaverse technology.

“ provides the tools & behaviours needed for the future of work,” Haque explained. “Through our range of progressive internship and apprenticeship programmes – combining training, mentoring, coaching and hands-on work – we seek to prepare the next generation of the global workforce to adapt to the ‘new normal’.

“We offer skills-based training, with courses focused on upskilling for new emerging job categories which include but are not limited to cybersecurity, AI, ML, AR/VR, Hybrid Cloud, and Blockchain. We ensure every user receives a personalised experience specific to their skillset via tailored support curated by our AI engine.

“For businesses, we offer a pool of candidates on a journey to become the upskilled workforce of tomorrow. In partnering with us, provides you with direct access to the next generation of skilled workers, creating a pipeline of talent to help your business thrive for years to come.”