Our Journey

After 15 years of working in the technology sector, helping implement Government strategies and becoming a panel member for the University of Bedfordshire, our founder, Rehan Haque, noticed a growing problem.


How we Started

The quick shift, fuelled by the recent pandemic, meant the labour market couldn’t keep up with the demand for skilled employees making it more challenging and more expensive to employ the right talent for the job. That’s how METATALENT.ai was brought to life, in those early days, and partnering with some of the best institutions and employers in the UK.


How we Grew

2021 was a standout year for us. We hosted over 300 young learners and provided them with training and corporate exposure to kickstart their professional careers. These interns have gone onto successfully landing jobs at reputable organisations such as KPMG, Engro, and Fauji Cement, and more. Our work throughout 2021 didn’t go unnoticed either. We were recognised by the Department of Work and Pension as the ‘best employer’ for the outcome our programmes and the impact on young learners.


How we became International

In 2022, we were nominated for the Best SME Student Employer award by the National Undergraduate Employability Awards in the UK. Our vision became to go global. We transitioned into METATALENT.ai, updating our brand image so it’s recognizable on an international scale and representing the longevity of our space in the EdTech market.


How we Reinvented Ourselves

In 2023 we revisited our business model, to look at the needs of medium and large corporations. In Saudi Arabia we found a pioneering market for skills improvement, as part of the Saudization initiative to build up local talent. And we built new AI tools and frameworks.